
Friday, 26 July 2013

Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Lose Weight

You think thousands of thoughts each day. You talk to yourself more than anyone else. You are your most trusted advisor and confidant. Many of the conversations that you have with yourself you would never share with anyone else because to do so would expose the “real” you. The you that is filled with self doubt, worries, sadness, guilt, hurts and disappointments. 
But this is not the “real you” at all. This is the you that your ego and belief systems have constructed. These negative beliefs have been constructed by you, and accepted by you as truth. The sad thing is that nothing can be further from the truth.
Where did these false ideas about you originate? They mostly came from others; parents, teachers, co-workers, and friends. They might have planted the seed by saying something like “she is fat” and you have cultivated those comments to the point that they have become your truth.
You are allowing your entire life to be controlled by some obscure comments made years ago.  Nobody has the right or power to dictate who you are.  Only you know who you truly are and what’s in your heart. 
When you were born you entered this world without the burdens of you current negative belief system.  You entered this world as a beautiful bundle of joy filled with unlimited potential and possibilities.
I’m here to tell you that you have not changed.  You are still and will always be a beautiful bundle of joy with unlimited potential and possibilities.
The only difference is what you give your attention to.  Let me ask you a question.  If you stopped all the negative talk that you currently have with yourself such as;
- I’m too fat
- Why would anyone want to love me
- I will never be thin
- I always fail
. And the list can go on and on…  How would you feel ?  Do you think that you would feel emotionally lighter ?  Do you think that you would feel happier ?  Do you think that you would feel more confident ?
Now how do you think your life would change if you were to go one step further and modify your self talk by only speaking positively about yourself.  If you take some time and focus on what you like about yourself and focus on only that your emotional state will become positive to the point that you will be able to accomplish anything.
Once you begin looking for the positive things within you, you will be surprised to realize your magnificence has always been there just below the surface.  You have never been anything other then that shining bundle of joy that entered the world years ago.  It’s easy to uncover positive aspects of yourself by asking some questions.
- What am I good at?
- Who has benefited by me being in the world?
- Who am I, what is in my heart that only I    know?
- What do I like about my body?
Your goal is to feel good now.  How do you feel now?  If you only observe what you feel is positive about you, you will feel good, you will be happy.  Decide right here and right now how you want to feel.  Decide that you will always look for the good within you and appreciate that goodness.  

So what does all of this have to do with losing weight?  Everything!!!  Your emotional state is the control valve that determines what you draw into your experience.  How you talk to yourself creates your beliefs and programs your subconscious.  So you need to ask yourself do you want your beliefs and subconscious programming to be based on false negative thinking.  Or do you want your beliefs to be based on the truth, that you are and always have been a perfect being.
Begin today to love and nurture yourself. Allow the joy, playfulness and enthusiasm that you naturally had as a child begin to flow into your everyday experiences.  Allow yourself to celebrate each and every success no matter how small.  Love and appreciate yourself every opportunity you have.  Do this everyday and watch your weight begin to dissolve just as your old negative beliefs about yourself begin to dissolve.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Could A Diet High In Fish And Flax Help Prevent Broken Hips?

Higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood may reduce the risk for hip fractures in postmenopausal women, recent research suggests.
Scientists analyzed red blood cell samples from women with and without a history of having a broken hip. The study showed that higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids from both plant and fish sources in those blood cells were associated with a lower likelihood of having fractured a hip.

In addition to omega-3s, the researchers looked at omega-6 fatty acids, which are generally plentiful in a Western diet. The study also showed that as the ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3s increased, so did the risk for hip fracture.

Though the study did not define the mechanisms for these relationships, the researchers hypothesized that inflammation may contribute to bone resorption, the breaking down of bone caused by the release of cells called osteoclasts.

"Inflammation is associated with an increased risk of bone loss and fractures, and omega-3 fatty acids are believed to reduce inflammation. So we asked if we would see fractures decrease in response to omega-3 intake," said Rebecca Jackson, the study's senior author and a professor of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at The Ohio State University.

"One thing that was critically important was that we didn't use self-report of food intake, because there can be errors with that. We looked directly at the exposure of the bone cell to the fatty acids, which is at the red blood cell level," said Jackson, also associate dean for clinical research in Ohio State's College of Medicine. "Red blood cell levels also give an indication of long-term exposure to these fatty acids, which we took into account in looking for a preventive effect."

Broken hips are the most common osteoporosis-related fractures, with an estimated 350,000 occurring annually in the United States. About 20 percent of people die in the year following a hip fracture.

The research is published in a recent issue of the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

The observational study did not measure cause and effect, so the researchers say the findings are not definitive enough to suggest that taking omega-3 supplements would prevent hip fractures in postmenopausal women.

"We don't yet know whether omega-3 supplementation would affect results for bone health or other outcomes," said Tonya Orchard, assistant professor of human nutrition at Ohio State and first author of the study. "Though it's premature to make a nutrition recommendation based on this work, I do think this study adds a little more strength to current recommendations to include more omega-3s in the diet in the form of fish, and suggests that plant sources of omega-3 may be just as important for preventing hip fractures in women."

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are both polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids, meaning they contribute to biological processes but must be consumed because the body does not produce them on its own. Previous research has suggested that while both types of fatty acids are linked to health benefits, omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and omega-6 fatty acids seem to have both anti- and pro-inflammatory effects.

The researchers used blood samples and hip fracture records from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), a large national prospective study of postmenopausal women that enrolled participants between 1993 and 1998 and followed them for 15 years. For this new work, the sample consisted of red blood cell samples and records from 324 pairs of WHI participants, half of whom had broken their hips before Aug. 15, 2008, and the other half composed of age-matched controls who had never broken a hip.

The analysis showed that higher levels of total omega-3 fatty acids and two other specific kinds of omega-3s alone were associated with a lower risk of hip breaks in the study sample.

On the other hand, women who had the highest ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids had nearly twice the risk of hip fractures compared to women with the lowest ratios. The current typical American diet contains between 15 and 17 times more omega-6 than omega-3, a ratio that previous research has suggested should be lowered to 4-to-1, or even 2-to-1, by increasing omega-3s, to improve overall health. The primary omega-6 fatty acid in the diet is linoleic acid, which composes about 99 percent of Americans' omega-6 intake and is found in corn, soybean, safflower and sunflower oils.

The specific omega-3 sources associated with lower risk for broken hips were ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which comes from plant sources such as flaxseed oil and some nuts, and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which is found in fatty types of fish. The other marine-sourced omega-3, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), on its own did not have a significant link to lower hip-fracture risk, "but all three omega-3s were in the protective direction," Orchard said.

Jackson, who was a vice chair of the WHI for more than a decade, said continuing analyses of data from the WHI will dig down to the genetic influences on metabolism and absorption of nutrients, and whether such genetic differences could affect health risk factors in postmenopausal women.
Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.
View the original article here